Monday, September 5, 2011

Collecting Demitasse

Today, I got the chance to take a picture of my very small - but growing demitasse collection. They used to be my mini cup and saucer collection, until I learned that they are actually called "demitasse".

So, what is a "Demitasse"? According to wikipedia, "a demitasse is a small cup, used to serve Arabic coffee or espresso. In Spanish, it is called a pocillo".

My interest in collecting them started when my mother gave me a set of this mini cup and saucer (the green one). She got it from a neighbor who are having a garage sale. It was so cute. I did used it for tea and it was fun!

The other ones in my collection were bought out from the bargain shelves of different stores. They all came in just one pair. That is why maybe they were in the bargain shelves. I am always at a look out for them in those stores. I really wish to grow this collection!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Baking Adventure Began!

I have been on blogging break for the last three or four months. Months when I have so many things I wanted to blog about, if only I had the time to do so. My husband was home for a short vacation from work, so most of my time was spent chatting with him, doing more household chores and cooking... oh, a lot of cooking!!!

Last July, we bought a new gas oven and I decided to try baking. Something I have always wanted to do. I was so excited!!! I still am! There are still so many recipes I wanted to try. So, my baking adventure began...

Baking is really fun! My first time, I just used a pre-mixed ingredients. It was a butterscotch mix, where you just add fresh eggs and butter, then mix them all together. I was nervous, but it turned out okay. Yay!!!

I wish Talisay (my hometown and where my immediate family are), is just so near! I feel sad that I was and am not able to have my mama, my nieces and everybody back home taste my baked goods. :(