Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A New Drinking Glass!

My happiness is shallow, I must admit! I just can't help to be ecstatic when something new interests me. Well, maybe some people can relate.

I had lunch at McDonalds today and I noticed that the woman before me bought a drinking glass. She seems happy to have it, so when it was my turn and after I made my order, I asked the crew about the glass. She handed me two glasses and told me that's the colors they have left. It was a 2012 London olympics glass partnered by McDonalds and Coca-Cola. Since, the price is reasonable, I decided to buy a Purple color one. I like Purple too anyway!

When I got home, I washed it and used it. Gosh, I don't know but it just felt so refreshing to drink from! The contour of the glass is also nice and the color is great. When there is water, the color really comes out. I think it will be my drinking glass from now on!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Soft Choco Chip Oatmeal Cookie

Yehey!!! My first ever "successfully baked" cookie! This is the third time that I tried baking cookies and finally, I got it right! I over baked the first one and I don't know what happened with the second one (it did not dropped or spread out). I did follow the recipes, but maybe something went wrong with how I mixed the ingredients? Well, this time, I watched the video here over and over and followed it well!

The joy of baking, really!

Last week, I also baked my first pie. A pumpkin pie! It was okay, though my pie crust was not really flaky and I think the filling was a little bit watery. But I'm happy that I now know how to make a crust and bake a pie!

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Longganisa Fried Rice

It's frugal Friday today! This time I am featuring my dinner (I'm eating alone) from some left-overs. I have about a cup and a half of steamed rice and two pieces left-over of Longganisa, a Philippine sausage. It's garlic flavor and it is really yummy! I usually save the garlicky oil that it produced to flavor fried rice. So, for this dish, I am copying the Chao Fan fried rice of a local Chinese fastfood. Well, eating alone can also be fun!


1 1/2 cup steamed rice (left-over)
2 pcs. Longganisa (Philippine sausage)or Chorizo in Spanish
1 egg, scrambled
2 cloves garlic, minced and browned
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp Longganisa oil
salt and pepper to taste
chopped parsley

How I made it:

1. Crumble one piece of Longganisa. Set aside.
2. Scramble one egg. Then slice it into small cubes. Set aside.
3. Saute steamed rice in minced garlic and Longganisa oil.
4. Add crumbled Longganisa and mix well. Add scrambled egg.
5. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix in sesame oil.
6. Slice the other Longganisa into thin slices.
7. Garnish with chopped parsley.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Pork Kaldereta

Kaldereta is one of Philippines most loved dishes. It is my husband's favorite and when he comes home from his work overseas, he requests his brother to cook the dish. I wanted to learn cooking it myself, so I asked and tried it. The feedback is very good and I am so happy!

1 kilo pork
2 pcs. potatoes, large
2 pcs. carrots, large
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
2 pcs. whole pickles
1 can liver spread, small
1 can evaporated milk, small
1 cup tomato sauce
2 cups water
1 onion
5 cloves garlic, minced
cooking oil

Cooking Method
1. Slice pork, potatoes, carrots, bell peppers and whole picles into medium size cubes.
2. Heat cooking oil in a casserole and sauté the garlic, onion and the beef. Add water, evaporated milk, tomato sauce and liver spread. Simmer until pork starts to become tender. Add in the potatoes, carrots and pickles.
3. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Continue to simmer until pork and vegetables are tender and the sauce thickens.
5. Serve hot with plain steamed rice.

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What's cooking, love?